I have to laugh a little over my organizational skills. At work I am the most organized person. In school...I have been struggling to find an organizational style that works for me. Not sure why I can be totally organized for work and completely disorganized in school! But there it is! In all fairness up until chemo I had an extremely good memory in regards to my personal calendar. Now unless I write it down on a piece of paper I am more than likely to forget about it! A lot of people have told me to use my phone and the calendar on it and I try to but the ridiculous thing is I forget to look at it and the squinting required to read the calendar and the inability to see it all at a glance doesn't work for me.
So I have printed up the syllabi I have gotten, bought a large print day planner, and have put my classes and assignment due dates and tests into the book as well as my clinic hours and even color coded everything with hi-lighters! So sincerely hoping this helps me keep everything strait!!! Feeling pretty good about this! All I have to do is open the book and at a glance I have a snapshot of my month which is what works best for me! Electronic scheduling is a VERY good idea for a lot of people but a good old pen and paper can also work for some people!
After 15 years of trying to finish my undergrad, I spent the week before finals in and out of the ER. During finals I was diagnosed with Endometrial Cancer. I graduated Magna Cum Laude the next weekend from Western Michigan University. I am now blogging about my experiences of fighting cancer & living life after in hopes of being able to help others.
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