Feeling Good!


Spending an afternoon at Marymount during my internship!

My rocks!

My rocks!
Wouldn't be where I am without my parents!


Walking for my Masters. An interesting book end as this all started when I graduated from undergrad!

Awesome Nurses!

Awesome Nurses!
After my port removal and saying goodbye to my chemo nurses before moving away from Michigan. Wouldn't be doing that without them!

Last Chemo

Last Chemo


Something to remember and return to. A good day!

Thursday, March 10, 2016

365 Things to Smile About Day 215. Vernor's

I'm not a big soda drinker. I had to give it up during chemo because the carbonation irritated the sores in my stomach. It's all better now but I never got back into the habit of drinking soda. But now and then I have some of the best ginger ale ever!

Vernor's is a Michigan drink from the time of the Civil War!  And it is the BEST!!!  Tonight I had some Vernor's and loved every sip!!!!  Nothing will beat the gingery taste or the bubbles that can bring on a crazy coughing fit if you don't know how to breathe when drinking it!  Lol!!  I'll be bringing some of it with me to Richmond!  Lol!!!

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