list of things to do if I got a chance! It looks like an exciting place! But exploring wasn't the reason I was there. I was there to visit a very good friend of mine whom I long ago adopted as one of my little brothers since his older sister and I have been best friends a startling and crazy long time!!
Philip is at Johns Hopkins Hospital starting a road to recovery after his most recent surgery, I believe around 26th or 27th, fighting cancer and all the nasty after affects it leaves. Brain surgery was the start of it all this time around and a nasty infection made it even bigger. But tonight I got a chance to hang out with him and was happy to see the usual hilarious, snarky and incredibly strong Philip I've known for years! Over an hour of chatting about family, low vision and other random topics was a great way to spend the evening. I didn't want to leave as it approached 8 pm. I wanted to just stay with my friend. Even if he kept falling asleep, as he was starting to do, I just wanted to be there for him. But I had to go and so we said goodnight with a possible return visit tomorrow tentatively planned,
I can't help but smile when I see Philip's determination and unfailing strength and stubbornness to get out of the hospital and home to get on with his life! No matter how many surgeries he has, he stays the same and I only hope I have half his strength and determination in my own life! Please pray for my friend!!!
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