Two weeks ago I got a nice, big pumpkin at Meijers and carved a fun Jack-O-Lantern on it! I put it outside my sliding door and it just added a nice little cuteness to my porch:). I noticed yesterday that the lid on top was shrinking and so I took a closer look and saw that in two weeks the pumpkin had turned almost completely to mush! While I know that carved pumpkins don't last forever, that is the first time I have had one completely go icky and black and gucky on my in only two weeks!
Tonight, when I was at the store I saw a bin of pumpkins and couldn't resist getting one to replace the sad little pumpkin rotting on my stoop! So I grabbed one and brought it home, placing it next to it's dilapidated twin and then scooped the poor, old one up in a bag and tossed it in the dumpster:(. Now sits an un carved, but healthy looking, pumpkin by my door and I am torn between carving it and risking it melting before the weekend or leaving it whole to double for both Halloween and Thanksgiving? I would add to it as time goes on maybe so it doesn't look so lonely. They only problem is for some reason starting November 1, unless you are growing them, there is nary a pumpkin to be found! I shall have to ponder this overnight and decide tomorrow. A grinning Jack-O-Lantern for a short time or a pretty, whole pumpkin for a little longer?
After 15 years of trying to finish my undergrad, I spent the week before finals in and out of the ER. During finals I was diagnosed with Endometrial Cancer. I graduated Magna Cum Laude the next weekend from Western Michigan University. I am now blogging about my experiences of fighting cancer & living life after in hopes of being able to help others.

Feeling Good!

Spending an afternoon at Marymount during my internship!
My rocks!

Wouldn't be where I am without my parents!

Walking for my Masters. An interesting book end as this all started when I graduated from undergrad!
Awesome Nurses!
After my port removal and saying goodbye to my chemo nurses before moving away from Michigan. Wouldn't be doing that without them!
Last Chemo


Something to remember and return to. A good day!
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