This weekend one of my oldest and closest friends was home from Italy for a visit and we got a chance to spend a few days together and catch up!! My friend Marie has the lovely talent of making me laugh ridiculously hard while at the same time shaking my head in wonderment at her antics!!! Often I have wished I had her free spirit and ability to not care what others thought! I always look forward to these visits that are almost happening once a year now! Lol!
This visit we spent some time with another friend of mine and we decided we needed to introduce Marie to Hibachi!! As always, she was game to try it at least once! And I think she liked it! I always enjoy the show put on by the chef and this time I managed to catch an awesome picture of the flames from the beginning when the grill is sprayed down with an oil and set on fire! It literally looks like the flames have taken on lives of their own and are curling and spinning around!!
The rest of the time spent hanging out was a combination of visiting with her family, watching hilarious videos on her computer, talking about many things, becoming addicted to new app games, and spending time with more friends and eating delicious food! Busy and exhausting but very worth it!!!!!
After 15 years of trying to finish my undergrad, I spent the week before finals in and out of the ER. During finals I was diagnosed with Endometrial Cancer. I graduated Magna Cum Laude the next weekend from Western Michigan University. I am now blogging about my experiences of fighting cancer & living life after in hopes of being able to help others.

Feeling Good!

Spending an afternoon at Marymount during my internship!
My rocks!

Wouldn't be where I am without my parents!

Walking for my Masters. An interesting book end as this all started when I graduated from undergrad!
Awesome Nurses!
After my port removal and saying goodbye to my chemo nurses before moving away from Michigan. Wouldn't be doing that without them!
Last Chemo


Something to remember and return to. A good day!
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