Feeling Good!


Spending an afternoon at Marymount during my internship!

My rocks!

My rocks!
Wouldn't be where I am without my parents!


Walking for my Masters. An interesting book end as this all started when I graduated from undergrad!

Awesome Nurses!

Awesome Nurses!
After my port removal and saying goodbye to my chemo nurses before moving away from Michigan. Wouldn't be doing that without them!

Last Chemo

Last Chemo


Something to remember and return to. A good day!

Sunday, February 28, 2016

365 Things to Smile About Day 205. Many Blessings

Lately I have been working on trying to find a place to live for my internship that I can afford.  I have actually been getting pretty stressed out looking!  It's kinda crazy what some people will charge for a room!  At any rate, I was taking a walk today through the park down town and thinking about how I am going to afford this and that and budgeting in my head.  I've been getting out walking the past couple days because the weather has been behaving and even got a little warmer.  In the past two days I have had four people ask me for money in the park.  I don't carry money with me when I walk and told them and the first three (all older men) said that was ok, wished me a good day and moved on.  I need to start learning the locations of soup kitchens so I at least can direct them in that direction.

Then this afternoon, I was stopped by a young woman who asked me for money because she was hungry and pregnant and had missed dinner somewhere.  I told her I was sorry and I didn't carry cash. As soon as I said that a very angry look came over her face and she looked away saying "Fine" in a manner that was obviously anything but.  I walked on, feeling bad for her and wishing there was something I could do for her and the other people who had asked me for money.  Then I started thinking about the things that had been on my mind that were money related and I had a very strong reality check.  I have a roof over my head and I know I will find one for my internship.  I have a warm bed, clean clothes and food in my refrigerator.  I have close family and friends and would never find myself in the park asking a stranger for money.  I may not have a lot of extras, I might have to watch how I spend and budget.  But I am actually really well off when you think about it.

In that moment I couldn't do anything but thank God for all the blessings He has given me.  Yeah, my apartment isn't pretty or big or flashy.  But it is warm and clean and comfortable and I'm not going from month to month wondering where I will get the rent money.  Yes, I have a strict food budget...but I at least have a budget to be strict with.  My clothes are not designer labels but they are nice and clean.  So I really do have so many wonderful blessings in my life.  I am certainly going to remember this when I am bummed because I can't afford to go out to eat or visit someone or buy something I want.  I have been given many blessings and I have a lot to be thankful for!

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