Feeling Good!


Spending an afternoon at Marymount during my internship!

My rocks!

My rocks!
Wouldn't be where I am without my parents!


Walking for my Masters. An interesting book end as this all started when I graduated from undergrad!

Awesome Nurses!

Awesome Nurses!
After my port removal and saying goodbye to my chemo nurses before moving away from Michigan. Wouldn't be doing that without them!

Last Chemo

Last Chemo


Something to remember and return to. A good day!

Saturday, February 20, 2016

365 Things to Smile About Day 197. Around the Park.

Today was another beautiful day!  I had to spend about four hours in the afternoon inside but after dinner I had an awesome walk!  Just headed down town and spent the evening walking around. 

The park was pretty empty so it was nice to stroll around it and watch the sun set!  A pleasant evening with a chill in the air and music in my ears!  Just a great way to end a busy day!!

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