Well, tomorrow I get my port put in for my chemo. While I logically know that the procedure is simple, and they do between 800 to 1000 a year at this place, and it will only make me a little sore, I'm still freaked out by it all. Honestly, who wants to be cut in to? But, I do know that I need this port. Because I need it I will go through with it. But that doesn't mean I can't be scared.
As scared as I am though, I am not physically freaking out tonight. I had to watch my grandma go through a similar but more in depth procedure like mine. She had to get a pace make put in and it is more involved. She said she doesn't remember a thing and is just sore. If my 89 year old grandmother can go through this procedure TWICE in a 24 hour period, I can do a simpler procedure without freaking out too bad.
I think what helps keep things calmer for me is focusing on other things. Like a trip to the fabric store and finding some nice fabric and yarn. Sitting and watching DVDs while knitting a shawl. But also by repeating, it won't be that bad. Scary but not that bad. Staying active in any way and staying positive while acknowledging the fear I feel.
So, while I am saying I can do this and it will be over fast, let me also say....I'M SCARED!!! But...I can do this.
After 15 years of trying to finish my undergrad, I spent the week before finals in and out of the ER. During finals I was diagnosed with Endometrial Cancer. I graduated Magna Cum Laude the next weekend from Western Michigan University. I am now blogging about my experiences of fighting cancer & living life after in hopes of being able to help others.
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