For a year I wrote a blog entitled 365 Things To Smile About during a particularly difficult time a couple years ago. It made sense to count as I wanted to post every day something that made me smile and pulled me out of my worries, frustrations and stress. Before that I would have countdowns on calendars until I went on trips or countdowns to finish chemo. It helped me get to a destination. A concrete place in time.
Tonight I was thinking about what I was going to write and I actually felt stressed out! Lol! Which blew my mind as this blog is supposed to be a way for me to relax and an outlet. It isn't a count down for anything. Then I realized that right now, there is no more need for a count down to a better time in my life. It's just life. Sure, I am probably going to continue to set myself goals to meet because I always want to be doing more in my life. But not frantic goals and not anything that requires a countdown.
Its real day to day life now. And I will be honest...that feels a little scary. I know that sounds odd but its true. I have been going at such a pace since I was diagnosed. I felt the only way I could get through things was in part through counting the days. Putting another day BEHIND me. Now, it's looking forward to the next day with a positive outlook. Yes, I am going to have those scary doctors appointments still. In fact, I have one this week. But it isn't as scary now. My imagination of course takes flight whenever I have to see a doctor. I think we all have that experience. But that is a different kind of scary.
The scariness of day to day life with no need to count the days and put them behind me is because I dare to have real, honest hope again that I won't have to go back to putting days behind me. I don't know how to explain it honestly other than I feel like if I can stop counting things I can start really living in the present with an optimistic eye to the future. The fear was always getting a career or relationship and then having to leave them all. Except, that isn't a part of my every day life anymore. So I am going to stop counting things unless it is an amazing countdown! Like a countdown to adopting or a countdown to getting married. Neither of which is on the horizon right now never know!
So I am altering a little of this blog to stop counting the days and just living the days and writing my thoughts and experiences. I feel like theses blog series kind of change with me. Maybe some day I can look back and see a good progression and hopefully a good story too!
After 15 years of trying to finish my undergrad, I spent the week before finals in and out of the ER. During finals I was diagnosed with Endometrial Cancer. I graduated Magna Cum Laude the next weekend from Western Michigan University. I am now blogging about my experiences of fighting cancer & living life after in hopes of being able to help others.
I've been away from the group for a while. But I am so happy to see you are still blogging. Keep on keepin on Catherine.
Thanks π❤️π❤️
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