One of the frustrating parts of chemo is the extreme fatigue. Because of this fatigue, I don't get much exorcise. If I push it too hard the exhaustion makes me feel sick. I spend a lot of time sitting in a chair or laying down. Especially for the first week or so after chemo. Well, today, being so close to my next chemo, I was feeling well enough to go outside and walk around. Mom and I walked down the road to the property line...which isn't very far to be honest. It has a slight hill up to the line and by the time we got there, I could feel my leg muscles WORKING!!!
This is new to me...especially over such a short distance! I have always been good at walking. I enjoy it! My legs were conditioned to it! Especially after two years of tramping all over a college campus...sometimes at a power walk to make it from one class to another! It is frustrating to me that I have reached a point where walking the equivalent of a block or so makes me want to sit down not only to rest from the tired feeling but also to ease my aching muscles! And I have discovered muscles in places that shall remain nameless!!
I wish I could say that from now on I will go for a walk every day to make sure my muscles stop their downward spiral...but sadly I know that just isn't going to happen:(. While I wouldn't call the fatigue completely comes close I think! So I am going to have to do some serious and hard work after chemo. Something tells me the recovery will be just as hard as the treatment! But, I am determined that the muscles will no longer hurt unless I want them to hurt!
But in the mean time...excuse me as I take a moment to vent and let the whole world know that I HATE CHEMO!!!!!!! And that I would really like my leg muscles back! Please!!!!
After 15 years of trying to finish my undergrad, I spent the week before finals in and out of the ER. During finals I was diagnosed with Endometrial Cancer. I graduated Magna Cum Laude the next weekend from Western Michigan University. I am now blogging about my experiences of fighting cancer & living life after in hopes of being able to help others.
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