There has been a video going around the internet lately of a young women who filmed her abortion. If that isn't disturbing enough, something she said at the end of the film completely shocked me. She said "I can make a baby" and said it as if she were in awe of this…yet she documented destroying a baby! This makes no sense to me. If she is in so much awe that her body can do what it was meant to do…how can she be so wrapped up in promoting ending lives of babies through abortion?
The very word "abortion" means to stop or end…and quickly. There is no "making" involved in that process. It makes one wonder if she thinks she can make and un make anything she wants. If she is so in awe of being able to create life, why on earth is she promoting ending it?
Her reason for having an abortion was she wasn't "ready for kids". Lets set aside the fact that having sex is probably not a good idea then since it is, from a purely biological level, how humans are made in the first place. Lets look at the unbelievable amount of selfishness there is throughout this video and in this thought process. Perhaps she wasn't ready to be a mother. I don't know. What I do know, from personal experience, is that there are at least tens of thousands of women who are unable to have children. They are unable to "make a baby" and this crushes their heart! Their body can't do what it is suppose to do naturally. But there are women out there, like this young women, who can have children. And yet they don't see the gift that children are. To the point that in order to make a point about their life choices, they make a video documenting aborting a baby that another woman would give her last breath to have!
This video is far from empowering to women. It is so incredibly hurtful to women, especially those who can't have children.
All my life, no matter where I went in it, I always had one consistent desire that never, ever changed. I wanted to have children. I wanted to feel them grow inside of me. I wanted to hold them in my arms the moment they were born. I wanted watch them every day grow into an individual who was unique! I wanted to hold their hands and help them take their first steps. Watch them grow into a unique blend of me and their father! I wanted to take them to school and watch their school plays, recitals and sporting events. I wanted to show them the places I went growing up. Camping in Montana, paddling canoes around the lake, hiking the mountains of Virginia. I wanted to watch my sons and daughters become young men and women. I wanted to see them graduate from college, start a career, fall in love, get married and start their own families. I wanted to teach them about God and faith. Give them all the tools they would need to build good, strong lives and deal with the hardships life can sometimes bring. I wanted to hold my grandchildren in my arms and see my blue eyes looking back up at me from their sweet faces. I wanted so much to be a mother!! And now, I'll never be able to have a baby.
My cancer took away my ability to have children. I'll never see my eyes in my child or grandchild. I'll never see that face that blends me and their father. That pain is something I can't even begin to describe, But what I can do someday, God willing, is adopt a baby that some other women isn't ready to raise. I can give that baby so much love and give them a chance to be the person God made them to be!
Watching that video of that young woman's abortion all I could think of was…"NO! Stop! Give me the baby! I'll raise them! You don't have to! Please don't do this!" And then to hear her say "I can make a baby" at the end. After taking the life of her baby that she made just because she wasn't ready to be a mother and wanted to prove a point! Did it ever cross her mind of the countless women this video would hurt? Of the women who would have jumped in and done anything to raise that child? Of the women who's hearts are aching for children? Maybe that is a video that needs to be made. Women who can't have children standing together to say "Please don't abort! Give us a chance to be a mother."
After 15 years of trying to finish my undergrad, I spent the week before finals in and out of the ER. During finals I was diagnosed with Endometrial Cancer. I graduated Magna Cum Laude the next weekend from Western Michigan University. I am now blogging about my experiences of fighting cancer & living life after in hopes of being able to help others.

Feeling Good!

Spending an afternoon at Marymount during my internship!
My rocks!

Wouldn't be where I am without my parents!

Walking for my Masters. An interesting book end as this all started when I graduated from undergrad!
Awesome Nurses!
After my port removal and saying goodbye to my chemo nurses before moving away from Michigan. Wouldn't be doing that without them!
Last Chemo


Something to remember and return to. A good day!
Cathy that was beautiful. Thank you.
This made me cry. On so many levels. <3
Thanks guys. I had to say something. And I figured honesty was the best way to go.
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