Today was a long day. the original plan was two drugs in one day...shouldn't take more than four or five hours. However, a reaction to the first drug slowed things down A LOT!!!
It started off with my blood pressure reflecting my nerves and anxiety. Numbing my port and doing labs pushed the start off. Then nine minutes into the first infusion I had quite the reaction! Stomach pain, nausea, heart palpitations and the it felt like my face was going to explode and apparently I looked like a cherry tomato! I sent my dad running, someone shoved a trash can under my and in seconds I was begging someone to tell me why I it felt like my face was about to pop! Two of the nurses came in, shut of the infusion and I felt things easing up. That was pretty scary! We learned the infusion had to be slowed down a little over by half. Thus, the day became a long one and I have to go back tomorrow to do the second infusion of the second drug. Please pray I don't have a reaction to this one.
I am feeling really tired and wiped out. But for now the nausea medicine is doing it's work. And I am staying on it like clock work for the next several days!
The four nurses who run the infusion room are really awesome! Michelle, Jan, Kim and Lindsey are really great, kind, empathetic and on top of everything. It helps that I've known one of the nurses, Kim, since I was a teenager! The picture is of Kim and I after we got the infusion under control and I started to feel better after the reaction.
So now I sit (of course!! Sitting is my thing now!) at mom and dad's, listening as we watch The West Wing since NCISLA is not on for some reason. Resting, recouping a bit and praying things stay calm. Praying tomorrow is smoother and shorter! Then I go back in on Friday for a shot to help with my white blood count. Helps it not go down so low from the chemo.
I got a new hat today! Kim came over with a cute, floppy hat with pastels on it! They give away free hats too there:) She thought it would look good on me...and I do like it! It works with the new hair cut. And for a couple weeks I'll sport it with a smile before I'm buzzed.
Now, I think I need to get some water and crackers. Keeping a little food in me is highly recommended:). Talk to you all tomorrow :)
After 15 years of trying to finish my undergrad, I spent the week before finals in and out of the ER. During finals I was diagnosed with Endometrial Cancer. I graduated Magna Cum Laude the next weekend from Western Michigan University. I am now blogging about my experiences of fighting cancer & living life after in hopes of being able to help others.

Feeling Good!

Spending an afternoon at Marymount during my internship!
My rocks!

Wouldn't be where I am without my parents!

Walking for my Masters. An interesting book end as this all started when I graduated from undergrad!
Awesome Nurses!
After my port removal and saying goodbye to my chemo nurses before moving away from Michigan. Wouldn't be doing that without them!
Last Chemo


Something to remember and return to. A good day!
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