"Incline your heart to me and attune your ear to my voice. For I would speak to you and I have an urgent message to give to you.
Do not set out to establish your own designs. I have already set in motion my divine will and purpose, and I would not have you interfere. I am jealous of my children: they are mine and you shall not intrude in any way to hinder my plans from working out. You may do many things, but only that which I direct you to do can have my blessing.
Resign all into my hands--your loved ones as well as your own self. Be obedient to the still small voice. Your own imaginings may speak more loudly, but wait upon me always. You will see the wisdom in this in due time. Fret not about carnal things but concern yourself first and always with spiritual values. Truly, my promise is still: 'see first the kingdom of God' and all other needful things will be added to you."
--Come Away My Beloved
By Frances J. Roberts
Tonight I spoke with two friends at two different times from two very different walks of life. One, a dyed in the wool atheist and the other, a strong, practicing Catholic. I met my atheist friend for some coffee and a chance to visit earlier this evening. Through the course of our conversation, he said that there are no stories out there about Christians or Catholics doing something completely good for other people without prostalatizing. While I myself see nothing wrong with sharing my faith with others while trying to help them, I knew he was wrong. He also said that Christian and Catholic people only help people if they can preach to them. Again, I knew he was wrong but was hard put to come up with a news story that I could show him to prove that he was wrong. I started to get agitated about the fact that the majority of news stories today, be they be on religion or events in lives around the world, are not positive. They don't show the goodness that is out there! Unless it causes scandal or contains some kind of shock value that somehow manages to affect someone in a negative way, you rarely see it on the front page or headlining the evening news.
This got me thinking of all the negative press out there about the Catholic Church and I started wracking my brains! I tried to think of a story in the news that showed a person living their Catholic or Christian faith as such a part of their life that they were doing good in the world without drawing attention to themselves but rather just lead their lives as God intended, showing His love and compassion for his creation. A story where someone just walked in and said, "Whether you join my church or not, whether you believe in what I say or not, I am here to help you in any way you need it because that is what my faith has taught me to do for my fellow man." I realized that I hadn't seen a story headline the evening news that had a positive message about the Catholic Church in a very long time even though I know they are out there. As I voiced these frustrations to my friend he told me that I should find those stories and write about them. He even said that if I found those stories and sent him the links, he would put them on his atheist blog! Who can resist such an offer?!
Later, as I drove home, I called my other friend, the Catholic. As we talked, so much of what I had been talking about before came out in a rush, among many other things. She patiently listened to my verbal rampage on several different topics and then asked if she could read something to me about resignation. What she read to me was the passage quoted above. At the very beginning I was only half listening, and then the kind, loving, and semi gentle whacks upside the head from God started coming. With the words "For I would speak to you and I have an urgent message to give to you." I started listening closer. Each line seemed to be saying to me in different ways what my atheist friend had said about finding the positive stories and writing about them. Of looking for those moments when people have surrendered their will to God and done what he has planned for us all along. Also, that I needed to start acting on what that still, small voice has been telling me.
As my Catholic friend finished reading the paragraphs all I could do was sit in silent astonishment. I asked her to read it again and then had her read it a third time so I could write it down. I realized tonight that God was using these two people to tell me that he has a plan for me. That no matter what happens in life, he has it figured out. All I have to do is follow him and let life happen.
I am taking the atheist’s advice and am going to write about the positive things in life. Find the positive stories in faith and secular life. Show people that following God's Will does in fact make you a better person and will inspire others to do the same. While a large part of the job of the Church Militant is to bring others to God, it does not always have to be done with words. It can also effectively be done by actions. Whether a person believes in God or not, whether their intention is to do God's Will or simply to do good, God works through everyone, atheist and Catholic alike! And so thank you my friendly atheist for giving me the idea and inspiration of finding positive stories and bringing them to light. And thank you my loving Catholic friend for showing me that God doesn't always work in the most obvious ways, but that He has a plan for us, and we need to follow it through all it's twists and turns, knowing it will ultimately lead us to Him!
I encourage people to help me find the positive stories out there, whether they be attributed to God or not. When we see someone doing something good for someone, we know that is God working through that person to show His love for us...even when some don't believe that! Big or small, Catholic or secular, I will be looking for the stories that show the goodness in humanity and their ability to bring out the best in the people around them. To go out and experience and share life as I know it through the help of God.
After 15 years of trying to finish my undergrad, I spent the week before finals in and out of the ER. During finals I was diagnosed with Endometrial Cancer. I graduated Magna Cum Laude the next weekend from Western Michigan University. I am now blogging about my experiences of fighting cancer & living life after in hopes of being able to help others.

Feeling Good!

Spending an afternoon at Marymount during my internship!
My rocks!

Wouldn't be where I am without my parents!

Walking for my Masters. An interesting book end as this all started when I graduated from undergrad!
Awesome Nurses!
After my port removal and saying goodbye to my chemo nurses before moving away from Michigan. Wouldn't be doing that without them!
Last Chemo


Something to remember and return to. A good day!
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